This course is specially designed to cater for the injuries that could occur with martial arts training and classes and includes paediatric first aid and AED use as well as many other additional subjects for Martial Arts Instructors. Covered in the courses are different subjects that would apply to any martial arts sector for instructors. We also offer a standard course for Martial Arts students.
This course includes the latest CPR and Coronavirus recommendations.
Martial Arts by its nature presents a risk. When carried out correctly, the injury does not usually happen, but in the case where it does, the responsible precaution is for everyone to have a basic understanding of what to do. This course covers injuries, including contact injuries, cardiac arrest, as well as illnesses like an allergic reaction. First aid is an easy skill to learn, and the training is delivered in a series of short videos with knowledge review questions to increase understanding. All the videos are filmed in a martial arts setting and based on real problems that you may face.
This online course offers a flexible training delivery, but if you want a practical part, we have a network of approved instructors who can deliver a skill session after you complete the online course. If you want a class course in your club, please contact us.
This course comes with 7.0 hours of CPD, although the time to complete the course online may be less than this. Total course time includes 3 hours and 21 minutes of video training as well as knowledge reviews, final test, remedial help and reviewing downloaded material.
The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement.
ProTrainings - COVID-19 Update on CPR from the UK Resus Council
Student Manual (V8.2) - AED
Student Manual (V8.7) - First Aid Plus
AED infographic will guide you through the steps
Adult CPR Flowchart
Adult CPR Flowchart handout/poster
Asthma UK weblink
CR2 AED user manual to learn more about this unit. For more information contact us.
Catastrophic bleeding and trauma First Aid Guidance From ProTrainings
Child CPR Flowchart
Child CPR Flowchart handout/poster
Child and Infant CPR Flowchart Handout
Coronavirus (COVID-19) link to the NHS website
Dutch - Student manual
Emerade - Package leaflet: Information for the user
Find a classroom course locally
Find out what other courses are available as video online, blended and classroom courses nationally on our course finder
First Aid and Social Distancing poster
Free student first aid program leaflet
French - First Aid Plus student manual
HSE First Aid at Work Regulations
HeartSine 350 Information Leaflet
Heartsine 350 AED unit
Heartsine 500 AED unit
Home Emergency Contact Sheet
How to register to call EMS by text
Infant CPR Flowchart
Infant CPR Flowchart handout/poster
Italian - Student manual
Jext Product Data Sheets
Jext patient Information Sheet
Lifepac CR2 AED Data Sheet
Link to our Concussion ad Brain injury course in association with Headway, a head injury charity
Link to the HSE website
Meningitis Now website with many leaflets and resources link
NHS Choices Web link
Oxygen User Instructions - Gas rentals are available from ProTrainings, contact us for more information
Oxygen and Analgesic gases from ProTrainings
Polish - Student manual
ProTrainings - Using an AED Leaflet
ProTrainings Defibrillator eGuide
Regulated - COVID 19 Pre-Screen Student Evaluation Form
Spanish - Student manual
Student Manual (V7.0) - First Aid - Arabic
Student Manual (V7.0) - First Aid - Spanish
Student Manual (V8.3) - Pierwsza Pomoc w Pracy Ksiazka studenta - Polish
Student Manual (V8.6) - Anatomy and Physiology Human Body
Student Manual (V8.6) - First Aid - Welsh
Student Manual V8.6 - First Aid - Dutch
Student Manual V8.6 - First Aid - Portuguese
Student manual V8.6 - First Aid - French
Student manual V8.6 - First Aid - Ukrainian
Student manual V8.6 - First Aid Manual Italian
Ukrainian - Student manual
Web link to the Joint Epilepsy Council website - JEC
Workplace Accident Book
Woundclot - haemostatic gauze for all types of bleeding
Zoll AED Plus user guide
What People are Saying
What people are saying about this course
“The videos explain the scenarios thoroughly and cater for the most likely cause and therefore the most common and useful first aid solutions. ”
- Gary, Business Owner from Kent
“I’m loving the online martial arts instructors course. Although the certificate only lasts the one year I find it a fantastic and very informative way of recapping my first aid training.”
- Martin, Martial arts instructor from N/A
First Aid for Martial Arts Instructors Level 3 (VTQ) at a Glance