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Fainting can happen often in Martial Arts. Fainting is a lack of oxygen in the brain, it's a mild form of shock. What happens is when you're working in a martial arts setting, for example, you're running through, you're doing everything, your heart's beating, and then you might start getting a drop of oxygen into the brain. And what the brain will then say to you is, "There's not enough oxygen here. You need to sit down or lay down," It'll make you feel a little bit dizzy. If there's quite a drop in oxygen within the brain, the brain will force you to lay down and this is called fainting. In most cases, when somebody does faint, they'll lay on the floor and within seconds, if not straight away, they'll start coming around. So once the person's on the ground, what we need to do is just leave them there, for now, don't get them up too quick 'cause if you do, they're just going to faint again. So, we lay them down and we elevate their legs around about 30 to 15 centimetres, which is not a lot, but it's enough to drain blood from the legs into the main body, which will start making them feel a little bit better.

Reassure the patient and talk to them. They might feel a little bit awkward because they have fainted. Within a martial arts setting, this can be quite common at the end of a lesson. What can happen is they can go through the whole lesson and then when it stops, their brain and their settings within the brain, it starts to get a little bit jumbled. So, oxygen levels start dropping and the person quite commonly faints at the end of a lesson, or maybe in the changing rooms or the toilets. That's quite a commonplace. So, if you're running a class, then keep an eye on everybody, not just when you finish a lesson, but also after it until they fully leave the premises.