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Responding to Choking Incidents: Step-by-Step Guide

Identifying Choking Incidents

Choking can occur anywhere, including martial arts settings or at home. Here’s how to identify and respond:

  • Partial Obstruction: Person can cough, speak, or wheeze despite discomfort.
  • Complete Obstruction: Person cannot breathe, may be unable to speak or cough, and is in danger of losing consciousness.

Responding to Partial Obstructions

If the person is coughing and able to breathe:

  • Reassure them and encourage coughing to dislodge the object.
  • Monitor closely; seek medical help if necessary.

Dealing with Complete Obstructions

If the person cannot breathe and is choking:

  1. Perform Back Blows: Lean them forward and deliver five sharp blows between the shoulder blades.
  2. Perform Abdominal Thrusts (Heimlich Manoeuvre): Place a fist above their belly button and thrust inwards and upwards up to five times.
  3. Repeat Sequence: Alternate between back blows and abdominal thrusts until the obstruction is cleared.
  4. Call Emergency Services: Call 999 immediately if the obstruction persists or if the person becomes unconscious.

Always monitor the person closely and be prepared to perform CPR if they become unconscious.