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Performing CPR: Step-by-Step Guide

Activating Emergency Services

If you find that the person is not breathing, follow these steps:

  • If Alone: Leave the person to call 999 for an ambulance immediately.
  • If Someone Else is Present: Send them to call emergency services while you attend to the patient.
  • Provide Details: Inform emergency services that the person is unconscious, not breathing, and CPR is being initiated.
  • Request an AED: Ask if there is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) available nearby.

Performing CPR

Once help is on its way, begin CPR with these precise actions:

  1. Chest Compressions: Place your hands on the centre of the chest, interlock your fingers, and perform 30 compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute.
  2. Opening the Airway: Tilt the head back by placing one hand on the forehead and the other under the chin to open the airway.
  3. Rescue Breaths: Pinch the nose closed, deliver two gentle breaths into the mouth until the chest rises.
  4. Continuation: Alternate between 30 compressions and 2 breaths, continuing until help arrives or you can hand over to someone else.

Remember, CPR aims to circulate oxygenated blood until professional medical assistance arrives with advanced equipment.